I can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve heard other winemakers or commercial wine buyers say “scores don’t matter”.  I find it a bit disingenuous– I’ve never met a winemaker who didn’t get happy about a good score, or pissed off about a bad one.

That said, a single good or bad score doesn’t matter much.  But when you see a long list of solid scores from a single producer, it paints a picture of quality.  You can be assured that any wine you purchase from that producer is going to be made with quality in mind.

Pinot Noir from my winery is guaranteed to be made with heart, love and attention to detail… as is evident in this list of our scores over the years from Wine Enthusiast.  35 reviews, only 1 Pinot under 90 (and that one got a 94 from another major critic– she must have just gotten a bad bottle here).

Scores do matter, but only in the way they are meant to matter:  the 100 point system was designed so that consumers can feel secure that an expensive luxury like wine isn’t going to disappoint.

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